An altimeter
for your developmental journey
Our Mission
Our mission is to inspire and empower individuals worldwide to become high-maturity, highly effective leaders.
Through cutting-edge AI-driven assessments and a personalized coaching platform, we provide affordable and instant access to tools that enable leaders to navigate complexity and drive positive global change. Read more...
Meet Our Advisors
Dr. Cook-Greuter (EdD Harvard) is one of the pioneers of adult development. Sharing with us 4 decades of her experience, she has advised us on scoring method, and articulation of presentation of our new findings. She supports our vision to scaling leadership maturity assessment, and its applications and benefits to wider audience. Read more...
Chief Scientific Advisor
Meet Our Founders
Dr. Tamas Madle is a co-founder and research lead behind He has developed the patent-pending AI that utilizes linguistic analysis, cognitive modeling and simulation, and custom LLMs to assess leadership maturity with human-level accuracy. His intention is to provide leaders with accurate, instantly accessible tools for vertical development, enabling them to effectively navigate complexity and make a meaningful impact. Read more...
Lily is a co-founder and visionary behind's innovative platform. She has brought a decade of experience in business operation, business process design, platform development, and integral psychology, coupled with her intimate knowledge of human development models and applications (EX: Leadership Maturity Framework & Coaching, Integral U Coaching, and Monica Sharma's leadership for sustainable change) to the development of our products and services. Read more...
Why Choose
Personalized Growth, Grounded in Research
Our AI-driven platform is built on the insights of renowned thought leaders in adult and ego development. We provide highly personalized growth trajectories based on dozens of Maturity Indicators™, helping you advance as a leader with precision, much like personalized medicine. Whether you're aiming to advance your career, lead high-performing teams, or drive organizational change, our platform provides the insights and guidance you need to thrive in today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment.
Scale Your Impact and
Profit Margin
We help leadership consultancies and practitioners scale their business by automating complex developmental assessments. Our platform improves profit margins by up to 10x, facilitates unlimited scaling, and enhances your value proposition with tailored growth recommendations for your clients, based on a robust framework of adult development theory and cutting-edge computational linguistics and cognitive AI technology.
Constructive Developmental Psychology
Our framework and model are built on shoulders of renowned thought leaders rooting deeply in rich foundation of ego development theory (a prominent stage theory in adult development research).
Our models accurately assess SCTi stages of development with precision comparable to highly trained human experts. In addition, the models evaluate hundreds of proprietary Maturity Indicators™ and distill them into personalized Growth Levers, offering users a customized development pathway - much like precision medicine for leadership growth. Learn more... released custom-built automatic scoring models.
2017 - 2019
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter revised ogive rules again, replaced them by new cut-off rules (COR) based on the data from several thousand more MAPs. The COR numbers were made more stringent for post-conventional MAPs than Hy & Loevinger's rules (1996) and better match the actual numbers of late-stage responses in the dataset. Dr. Cook-Greuter also released an updated scoring manual.
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter adjusted MAP's scoring method & released new scoring manual.
1985 - 1999
In 1985, Dr. Cook-Greuter presented new stages and 5 levels of perspective-taking at a conference of the Society for Research in Adult development. In 1999, she created the SCTi , later renamed the MAP. She added linguistic complexity and scoring criteria to the scoring method, greatly expanded the manuals, and the theory to include the two post-autonomous ego stages and the increasing perspectives. She also slightly adjusted the cut-off numbers at the high-end.
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter's expanded Dr. Loevinger''s framework and created the SCTi.
1982 - 1994
Dr. Kegan, a neo-Piagetian constructive-developmental psychologist at Harvard, expanded Jean Piaget’s cognitive development stages of childhood to adulthood. Using a different instrument (Subject-Object interview), and different scoring method, Dr. Kegan derived a framework consisting of five different levels of development, which can be mapped 1:1 to Loevinger's / Cook-Greuter's stages. Learn more...
Dr. Robert Kegan introduced his theory of adult development, especially the concept of Subject-Object theory of development.
In 1970, Loevinger's group published the Washington University Sentence Completion Test (SCT), which was designed to assess female moral development, interpersonal relationships, and conceptual complexity. The SCT uses projective technique for assessing personality, raters rating responses using a comprehensive manual, and ogive rules. Loevinger's model includes eight stages of development (Loevinger 1998; Vincent et al. 2015).
Jane Loevinger & colleagues developed the The SCT.
19th Century
Pioneers like G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) laid the groundwork for the emergence of developmental psychology as a distinct field. These early advancements in understanding human growth set the stage for later theories. Loevinger’s Ego Development Theory, developed in the mid-20th century, draws on several foundational psychological concepts, particularly Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, Erikson’s psychosocial stages, and Kohlberg’s moral development. These frameworks collectively explore human personality, growth, and meaning-making processes.
Advancements in human development field provided a fertile ground for Jan Loevinger's development of Ego Development Theory.
Advisor, Program Development
Bruce Alderman, MA, is an integral and transpersonal psychologist, a professor of consciousness studies, the Associate Director for the Blue Sky Leaders Certificate Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), and full-time faculty for the Consciousness, Psychology, and Transformation department at National University (NU). He is a long-time Buddhist and TSK practitioner, and a long-time student of David Bohm’s work. Read more...
Dr. Paddy Pampallis is a trailblazer in the fields of integral leadership, executive coaching, and training and developing coaches, with groundbreaking research on Supervision for Executive Coaching. She is the Founder/Executive Director of Integral+ Africa Institute and the Coaching Center, Founder/Board Member of the Ubuntu Coaching Foundation. Read more...